Friday, March 26, 2010

week 8
mar 22- did a note on design process
mar 23- saw eric and dominik argue with D
mar 24- started the clock not really
mar 25- now started working on clock
mar 26- almost done the clock need one day please glad you didn't check blogger today

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Engineer of design

- problems identification
- Research Phase
- Requirements specification
- concept generation
- design Phase
- Prototyping Phase
- System Integration
- Maintenance Phase

What is the problem?
1. Collect information
2. Interpret information
3. Organize needs hierarchy
4. Determine relative importance of needs
5. Review outcomes and process

Requirements Specification
1. marketing requirements
- customer needs
2. Engineering requirements
- applies to technical aspects
- Performance
Example of Engineering requirements
-Performance and functionality

Monday, March 22, 2010

Rollercoaster Projects

2. have an electric cord to bring the rollercoaster up backwards with support blocks behind it, then will drop forward go upwards then back down again, then will go through a loop and up to the last drop, then the electrical cord will stop the ride bring it up to the top of the drop and have the rollercoaster go the opposite direction and back to the start kinda like the bat at wonderland.
week before march break
mon- rollercoaster design
tues- finishing the rollercoaster
wed- adding the support to the coaster
thru- adding the scene for the coaster got half way tho
fri- sick

mar 22 - putting in my blogger what i got done

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Engineering Drawing With CAD Application

Engineers: People who use technical means to solve problems. They design products, systems, devices, and structures to improve our living conditions.

Technical Drawings: a clear, precise language used in the design process for communicating, solve problems, quickly and accurately visualizing objects, and conducting.

92% of the design process is graphical
the remaining 8% is mathematics and written communications

Designing process includes
- problem Identification
- Preliminary Ideas
- Design Refinement
- Analysis
- Optimization

Implementation - service
- financing
- Marketing
- producing
- planning
- documention

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mar 1/10 - rollercoaster work
Mar 2 /10 - rollercoaster work still
mar 3 / 10 - rollercoaster work once again

Monday, March 1, 2010

TDJ4M – Test # 2 Review
Orthographic Drawing and AutoCAD
Study Lesson 1-3: Engineering Drawings
Orthographic Projection
 Three standard views – Front, Top, Right
 Isometric view – a 3-Dimensional representation of the part with depth lines drawn at 30° angles

Study Lesson 2-1: CAD/CAM Introduction
CAD – Computer Aided Design
 Advantages of CAD
o Easier creation and correction of drawings
o Better visualization of drawings
o Toolbox of drawing aids
o Quick and convenient design analysis
o Simulation and testing of designs
o Increased accuracy
o Improved filing
o Better communication with manufacturing
Isometric view – a 3-Dimensional representation of the part with depth lines drawn at 30° angles
Also Know …
AutCAD LT basics:
1. Review the following tutorials from the class webpage:
 ACAD Intro Tutorial
 ACAD Offset Tutorial
 ACAD Problems
2. Know how to do Assignment #2 from the webpage like the back of your hand!!!
3. Know layers – know how they work and how to manipulate them
4. Know how to start a new document and insert a standard border
5. Know the following icons and how they work
a. line
b. offset
c. mirror
d. trim
e. extend
f. delete
g. layer property manager
h. circle
i. rectangle
j. move