Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sectional Drawing Test Review

Part Drawing:
- Detail Drawings completely describe a single part with multiview orthographic projections.
- Should provide all the information necessary to economically manufacture a high quality part.

Assembly Drawings:
- assembly drawings are used to show the position and functional relationship of parts in assembly, also via multiview orthographic projections
- generally they have no dimensions on them.
- Parts are 'balloon' identified and referenced to either detail drawing numbers or catalog numbers, via a bill of materials (BOM)

Section View:
- section views are used to clarify internal detail and to avoid dimensioning to hidden lines.
- The are established by referencing a cutting plane
- Cutting planes depict the exact location on the part from which the section view will be projected and should have associated arrowheads, indicting the direction from which the section view will be observed
- Cutting planes are constructed as an intergral feature of the parent view, and

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Engineering Drawing Notes
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